We Have Cool Vehicles!

9781936744343-Cover HotAir#17

It is very important to have a really cool and different balloon vehicle at Fiesta. In the picture (partially!) is the trolley car we used to use. We had to put a sign at the door because random people thought it was the Old Town Trolley and they could just hop on. The trolley was sold to the Village of Los Ranchos.

Now we use a ½ size school bus. It fits a lot of people and the trailer for the balloon attaches on the back. We can see a school bus on the Fiesta Field and to my knowledge no one else has one.

The advantage to a vehicle that everyone can fit on is the protection from the wind, rain and cold. It also means everyone can get on the Fiesta Field with the balloon. And then when everything is over, everyone goes to breakfast en masse. When it is still dark, there are a lot of asleep people in the school bus.

Our wish list: a vehicle with bathroom and a lift gate on the trailer.

- Barbe Awalt