Kicking The Bucket Week!!!

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Gail Rubin brought up an interesting thing at her talk at the NM Book Co-op. She spoke about inheriting your parent’s stuff and what to do with it.

If we have parents, they have given us things; some things that do not work any longer. They can’t part with them and think if they give it to us they are off the hook emotionally. The problem is, we don’t want it! So get rid of it! We do not have an emotional attachment to the things.

Now, not to say all things from parents are white elephants or bad. I have gotten some great stuff from my mother but some of the things she has given me over many years, are not so hot. I still have a card written by my grandmother that is nice. It doesn’t say anything important but I remember her when I read it. We have to remember the things given to us have the best intentions but still…….

Maybe we need to downsize and get rid of things before we are plowed under from things from our parents. Start now!

Gail also gave some stats about how unprepared we are. Gotta get on that!

- Barbe Awalt