Dump A Drawer!

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Brilliant! This is a great idea for the winter!

Introducing the 'Dump-A-Drawer' Way to Declutter
from Gail Rubin

Overwhelmed by clutter every time you open a drawer, a cabinet or a closet? Try Gail Rubin's "Dump-A-Drawer" approach to decluttering!
"Frustrated that I couldn't find a specific item in my desk drawer due to an abundance of clutter, this approach helped clear the frustration in a jiffy," said Rubin. Here's how you do it:
Step 1: Remove the drawer with its contents inside.
Step 2: Dump the contents of the drawer into a cardboard box.
Step 3: Pick out the items that you actually use, need or want (it's a remarkably small percentage).
Step 4: Donate the items in the box to a charity.
Step 5: Put the cleaned out, pared down drawer back in your desk, dresser or kitchen cabinet, with the items you are keeping neatly arranged.
Step 6: Smile every time you open the drawer and see how organized and clean it is.

"This works with office spaces as well as personal spaces," said Rubin. "I just used it to clean out the glove compartment in my automobile. It's especially great for releasing those promotional items that tend to proliferate and contribute to clutter."

— Barbe Awalt