New Mexico Arts & Crafts Fair – Stay Cool Inside!

It's awful hot out there! Seek shelter where it is cool — come check out some books and some great art!


We are pleased to be a part of the 56
th Annual New Mexico Arts & Crafts Fair and our friends Charlie & Debbie Carrillo are also last minute additions. Say hi! There are also a number of other friends who are also exhibitors. Face it – it is too hot to do anything else so go inside in the AC and shop!

Hours – Friday 10am – 5pm
Saturday 10am – 5 pm
Sunday 10am – 4pm
At Albuquerque Expo New Mexico (Fairgrounds)
Admission $7 for adults – parking is additional

Barbe Awalt


Since its launch in 1994, Amazon has been an industry-disrupting force for publishers, authors, and booksellers. As the popularity of the site has grown — it is now the largest e-tailer in the world — so too has its ability to affect book publishing and sales. This spring, Amazon rocked the book publishing boat once again with a change to its “Buy Box” setup. Beyond the controversy, it is important to focus on what this change means for authors and publishers as well as review your current sales strategy in light of the Amazon shift.

The old approach
Before March 2017, the Amazon Buy Box — the bright yellow Add to Cart box with the left-hand cart icon — defaulted to the book publisher as the seller for book sales. Purchases resulted in Amazon paying the publisher 45% of the list price and the author receiving a royalty for each sale.

The new setup
As of March 1, Amazon implemented a new policy so that third-party sellers could “win” the default Buy Box position, thereby gaining the favorable position for sales. The book’s publisher is now in competition with other sellers to be the default Buy Box seller. Those sellers who fall short will be relegated to a lower-list position — below the landing page screen line — requiring potential buyers to scroll down to see them.
This revised policy is meant to foster competitive pricing and ensure titles are available for quick shipment. However, it could enable book resellers and those selling wholesale or hurt copies for drastically reduced prices to become the Buy Box winner, preventing publishers and, therefore, authors from making money off the sale.

The winning strategy
While Amazon remains a relevant way to reach consumers, the company’s new policy highlights the need for publishers to sell their books on multiple platforms. In addition to Amazon, publishers need a direct-to-consumer path.
In fact, offering readers the opportunity to buy directly from — and support — their favorite publishers without involving a third party is a convenience for both. Many audience members already visit their favorite publishers’ websites for event information, new offerings, and the like. When they can make purchases on publishers’ sites, the only competition is other titles from that publisher — rather than competing authors — so publishers are less likely to miss a sale.
With the right partner, savvy publishers can easily launch branded e-Commerce sites that offer online sales of printed and electronic books, seamlessly linked to their existing websites. Combining the reach of Amazon with their own selling platforms enables publishers to have a wider reach than would be possible alone — while establishing stronger relationships with readers.

A clear path
Without a doubt, the Amazon platform gets book titles in front of a wide-reaching audience that might otherwise have remained unaware of the title, author, and publisher. However, Amazon’s recent Buy Box policy change makes it clear that publishers cannot rely solely on Amazon sales.


June 23-25: NM Arts & Crafts Fair, NM Expo State Fair Grounds, 10-5 each day
July 15: Lavender in the Village, Los Ranchos Agri Center
Nov 4, 2017: Tempe Book Festival, Tempe AZ Public Library

BARBE AWALT ("Don't Touch This Book!" and "NM Bucket List")
June 24: NM Arts & Crafts Fair, NM Expo State Fair Grounds, 11am

HENRIETTA CHRISTMAS & PAUL RHETTS ("The Basic Genealogy Checklist")
June 23: NM Arts & Crafts Fair, NM Expo State Fair Grounds, 12-4pm
June 24: Treasure House Books, Albuquerque Old Town 1-3pm "Basic Genealogy Checklist: 101 Tips & Tactics to Finding Your Family History"
August 12: Tome on the Range, Las Vegas, NM 12 noon and 4pm

LORETTA HALL ("Miguel & Michelle Visit Spaceport America:" "The Space Buff's Bucket List;" "Space Pioneers;" and "Out of this World")
June 24: NM Arts & Crafts Fair, NM Expo State Fair Grounds, 2-4pm
July 13: OASIS, 1:00-2:30, "What Sex Differences Mean for Space Travel"

RILEY MITCHELL ("The Essential Paranormal Bucket List")
June 24: NM Arts & Crafts Fair, NM Expo State Fair Grounds, 12noon
July 29: Treasure House, 1-3pm
Albuquerque Old Town Plaza

SLIM RANDLES ("The Cowboy Bucket List;" "Old Jimmy Dollar;" "Home Country;" etc.)
June 24: NM Arts & Crafts Fair, NM Expo State Fair Grounds, 11am
June 25: Treasure House, 1-3pm
Albuquerque Old Town; "The Cowboy Bucket List"

June 25: NM Arts & Crafts Fair, NM Expo State Fair Grounds, 11am
July 12: "Jewish Funeral Traditions on Film" presented through Osher Lifelong Learning Institute; 1:00-3:00 p.m.
July 28: The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute class "Laughing and Learning," 1:00-3:00 p.m.

June 25: NM Arts & Crafts Fair, NM Expo State Fair Grounds, 1-2pm