Jury Duty III

Part III of Jury Duty!


Jury Duty III

The first surprise was only my group and another group were called for a jury. So there were only about 25 people in the jury room. There were free soft drinks and water for the jury to wait in addition to tons of magazines. Have to mention the entire jury/court staff was extremely pleasant.

My group was the largest and we were taken to the courtroom for a criminal trial. I saw the minute I walked in the courtroom that our neighbor was the prosecuting Assistant DA. Right away the judge asked if anyone knew him and I said he was our neighbor. She asked if he was a good neighbor and I said, “Very good.” She asked if I could make a fair assessment even though I knew the prosecutor and I said, “Yes.” But I have a feeling that I was ruled out immediately.

The questioning of jurors was light but professional. We went back to the jury room and after an hour the names were announced to be on the jury. SURPRISE! I wasn’t one of them.

No one was called for Friday. I will check the website to see if I am called for Monday.

Barbe Awalt

Thanks to Ricardo Cate: