Have We Gone Too Far????????

I will be the first to say ANYONE can not be a victim of sexual discrimination or unwanted sexual advances.

That being said, have we gone too far?

A recent woman politician from Nevada called Joe Biden out for his conduct. First, she waited a long time. Not that there is a time limit but… I know people who suffer maybe afraid, but she did not have a life altering experience. It only happened when the candidate she backed – Bernie Sanders – announced? Second, she complained that Biden smelled her hair. Smelling hair is a little creepy but not harassment. Now, I have a friend (female) who sniffs a male friend with no sexual intent – we make jokes of it now. If she didn’t like the Biden sniffing, she should have asked him to stop. Third, Biden supposedly kissed the top of her head and put his hands on her shoulders. Again, if she didn’t like it she should have told him to stop. If he didn’t, she should have decked him.


I think we now say anything is harassment and it isn’t. I was at a conference last weekend and everyone had to ask first, “Did I allow hugging?” That is stupid.

Women also have to advocate for themselves by being assertive and not allowing certain things. Take a self-defense course if you need help and deck ANYONE who invades your space after telling them to back off.

Stand up for yourself!!!!!

Barbe Awalt