The Dumbest Thing I Have Heard Today!

And now they want to put even more guns in the schools …. really!

The New Mexico Legislature has a new bill allowing students with ROTC training and students with hunter safety training to have guns IN SCHOOL in addition to adults, teachers, and other school workers.

Why don’t you just make a law that ANYONE can have a gun in a school and call it quits? Obviously, it doesn’t make a difference that the students allowed to have guns in school are just that – students – kids. Sure, some of them are very responsible but others may be just the kind of kid who needs to be monitored with a gun. Kids will be kids and threatening or bullying with now legal guns is making the situation worse. Talk about fear for the students not allowed to have guns.

The idea is to have less guns handled by ANYONE, in a school. As a parent, if I knew guns were allowed in school for kids, I would take my children out IMMEDIATELY. They would go to a school not allowing guns – period.

What are they thinking?????????

Barbe Awalt