The Keebler Elf Is In “Big” Trouble!

The White House is Just Making a Big Mess of it all!

Opps. He Stepped in It!

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has stepped in it. The Justice Department has ruled that children should be taken away from their parents in immigration problems. The kids are housed in places in Texas, New Jersey, California, and other places WITHOUT telling the parents where they are. The news and some congress people have seen conditions in these places for boys but no one has seen the conditions for small children or girls. What are they hiding?

Donnie said it was all the fault of the Democrats but the truth is it was the Justice Department. Sessions then quotes, sort of, the Bible saying he should do it. The Methodist Church, he is a member, called him out for using a Bible quote to give him permission to do really ugly things. The Bible does not say separate kids from their parents.

Donnie could stop this immediately but he wants his wall and will hold the kids hostage until he gets it. Haven’t there been dictators who acted the same way?

Taking kids away from their parents is wrong, ugly, and non-American. They ought to be ashamed of themselves. Donnie is throwing Jeff under the bus and Jeff falls for it hook, line, and Bible verse.

And the ones who suffer are kids and their parents. Aren’t we a great country or what?

Barbe Awalt