I Choose to Live in the Boonies



We, in New Mexico, are in the boonies. It is not necessarily a bad thing. It is nice to have things move slower, better air, room for nature and views, more casual, and time to make great food and to have art and culture. It is why a lot of us move here in addition to the cost of living that is much less.

But because it is the boonies, we are denied a lot of what the other states have. Thus – boonie-ism.
  1. When a food is advertised on the TV as just coming out for my benefit, it is a long time before you can find it at the store. Usually, you can find it at Walmart first but it takes a while. The same is true for cosmetics, hardware, and other products.
  2. As readers know, I am going through a medical – look – see. New Mexico is the last to get the newest and best medical advances. We also can’t pay for a bunch of new things so they don’t come.
  3. Clothes! We sure don’t get the newest trends in New Mexico. That could be a good thing to be casual – jeans and sweats, but sometimes you hop a plane and go elsewhere and need spiffy clothes!
  4. Stores! It takes a while for the newest stores to come here and unfortunately, a lot of stores close here first. The best example is Steinmart. They had two really nice Steinmarts here and they closed for a few years. Now one is back open in a different location.

There are other examples of what we don’t have and it is a shame. Land is cheap here and maybe people in power need to locate here. If you build it you might be happy!

Barbe Awalt