Did someone forget that SNL is a tv comedy show?


Saturday Night Live Is A COMEDY SHOW?!?!?!

It is sad that Trump has to use a part of Executive Time (nap & TV time) to tweet and threaten about Alex Baldwin on Saturday Night Live.

There is so much to unpack about all of Trump’s tweets on Saturday Night Live:
  1. Because SNL makes fun and doesn’t agree with Trump, it has to be investigated. I bet Trump hasn’t read the Constitution – it is called Freedom of Speech! Don’t we have more important things to investigate?
  2. Same goes for Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of Trump. He won an Emmy for it so other people must like it.
  3. If you are the President you are going to be made fun of. Every President in SNL’s history has been made fun of what they do. Grow up!
  4. SNL is a comedy show. It keeps people from crying. If you don’t want to be made fun of then don’t do so many stupid things.
  5. The “enemy of the people” tweet by Trump is threatening. It may work on playboy bunnies but most people get mad. Trump better hope that no one takes him up on his threat and carries out a stupid act on Baldwin, his family, or SNL. This is sad!

We know that Trump is thin-skinned, adverse to any criticism, un-read, unaware, self promoting, and his mouth gets away from him daily. This is person is leading our country?

Barbe Awalt