$11B vs. $5.7B and Other Fuzzy Math

Just when we thought it couldn't get any dumber!


$11B vs. $5.7B

The Congressional Budget Office reported today that the government shutdown cost the US, $11 billion dollars. Trump’s Wall cost is $5.7 billion dollars. So Trump cost the US TWICE what he wanted.

The simple solution is that Trump spent the money for 2019 and 2020. If he gets re-elected then he can ask again. So much for the great dealmaker!

Odds & Ends

I had to do a Trumpism but it is not the Wall. All of the intelligence heads testified at a Congressional hearing what the terror threats were. Since the Donald didn’t agree with them he said, “They have to go back to school.” First of all, they have a lot more info than Donald.

Second, they actually went to school for intelligence and Donald did not. Donald does not know more than everyone on every subject. This is very telling. Big ego maybe?

Is It Cold Enough?

In Chicago they set fire to the train tracks in the cold. Do you want to be on a train that the tracks are on fire? I don’t know about Chicago but in New Mexico that is wood between the metal tracks. Wouldn’t that burn up? But it did look good!

Glad I'm Not A Crossing Guard

Chicago again – though the students were not in school because of the cold, crossing guard had to work outside with no students in the cold. Was there a brilliant mind that didn’t think this through?

Second Dunce Award of the Day

ICE set up a fake Farmington University in Michigan to “sting” illegal immigrants. So much for teaching people not to EVER go to a school for fear of being deported.


Barbe Awalt