Stuff: Crazy, Stupid, and Just Insane!

Catching Up on the Good and the Bad!




So an inmate in Texas gouged out his eye and ate it and they are wondering if he is insane! You don’t need to be a doctor to figure that out!


President Trump has announced he is not inviting the winning professional basketball team to the White House. Let me inform him – he is a TEMPORARY resident of our White House. It is not his house. This is a tradition and if he were so great at making deals and peace he could handle it. But it seems professional football and basketball players are smarter than him.


The TSA patted down a 96 year old woman at Dulles Airport for six minutes. She was so frail she couldn’t get out of her wheelchair. So, is she a big risk as a potential terrorist? Or is TSA just dumb as a stick?

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Beautiful Artwork

On a good note – the Sacred Heart Spanish Market in Gallup, New Mexico, had another year of being a hit. Hats off to Jerry & Cherie Montoya and all the Sacred Heart Cathedral people who made everyone feel loved. Also hats off to the El Rancho Hotel in Gallup for putting at the artists/vendor up. It is nice to have something go well!

Barbe Awalt